Sunday, September 2, 2012

Liebster Award for ME!

I recieved the Liebster Award AGAIN!

I am so excited!  I received the "Liebster Award" back in January of this year and again in March.  Now, this week, I received it TWICE!  I can't tell you how exciting this is!

Thank you to Angela of Stryders List and to Nickie of Live, Scrap, Love for awarding me again.  I feel both honored and humbled that my fellow bloggers think so highly of my blog and my art.  Thank you both again!

Here is a little bit about the Liebster Award and how it works:

Liebster is a German word that means "Beloved", "Favorite", or "Dearest".  This award is a "peer to peer" award in which a fellow blogger presents the award to their favorite bloggers who have less than 200 followers.  The origins of this award is still unclear but it is believed to have originated by a German blogger.  This award was designed to be a blog award in a "pay it forward" fashion, to share your favorite blogs that have less than 200 followers.

Rules for Acceptance:

First and foremost, you thank the person who gave you the award with a link back to their blog.  You then post the award onto your blog, giving or "passing forward", the award to five bloggers who you appreciate and have less than 200 followers.  You then leave a comment on their blog, letting them know that you have given them this awesome aware!

One of the fun things about receiving this award is that it challenges you to view more blogs, to search for fellow creative people and brighten up their day just a bit by acknowledging their talents.

So here are the five blogs that I think deserve recognition and I think you would love to check out:

Kat at Katscrapfever
Bridget at Scrappin With Bridget
Lela at Living, Loving, and Laughing 4 Life
Dawn at I am a Happy Stamper
Kathi at Kards by Kathi

Please take a moment to check out these crafty ladies.  You will love their blogs!!  I think they are doing a wonderful job!

Thanks again Angela and Nickie!!

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